Thursday, August 09, 2007

Where Are You Headed To?

How much apprehension and hesitation can one experience? Or is it possible that at each new situation one would experience these feelings? I tend to have more than my fair share of these emotions each time I am faced with a ‘different’ situation. Be it an invite to a reunion of old fellas from the school or having a friend come over and stay with you for a few days, travelling with a companion across the country side. Or, asking for a favour (that I badly need) from a colleague/boss/friend. And, once committed to any of these above activities I always try to see if there are avenues that’d let me escape from them! I’d wish even the most ‘ridiculous’ things to happen so that I don’t have to meet these oldies from school or having the friend at home. I’d wish something catastrophic to happen so that I don’t have to travel!

After having cribbed that none visited me in Bhutan, I now have a friend coming over, staying with me and travelling with me to Central and Eastern Bhutan. As the date of his arrival and stay draws closer I just wonder if there’s some reason that I can use to ‘retreat’ from this whole thing! However I also realize that each time I have ‘rethought’ my decisions (albeit the other person not knowing I’ve done something like that) I’ve been the loser! I can quote umpteen examples including my golf sessions or getting a weapon for myself.

This time I’m holding my nerves and keeping my fingers crossed. I hope I won’t commit any hara-kiri and be a decent host.

Starting end of this week I’ll be travelling all over Bhutan and parts of West Bengal and Nepal. In the company of KK who's arrived from Bangalore. Looking forward to the journey with both enthusiasm and trepidation. Hope to come back with memories for days to come! And, pictures and stories for the blog too...

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