Freedom of Thought!
“Su mama, I’m sorry”, my niece suddenly came to me, gave a hug and said this sadly. I wondered what happened. We both had just returned from flag hoisting ceremony at my office. She was very proud to have walked along with me to hoist it.
“What happened Tanvi?”, I asked her gently. “I just learnt from mumma that my country had occupied your country for a long time. And that’s how you. Elaborate Independence Day today”.
Tanvi was all of seven years then. And this was her reaction to what occupation by someone else was. Even as she identifies a lot with her Indian roots - in insisting on growing her hair long and learning music, she also is very much British - in her language and most of her dietary habits. Most importantly, she thinks of herself as a British person and not Indian. Yet when she learnt that India was subjugated by Britain as its colony the first thing she did was to apologise.
Something not yet done by the Queen or her government in the last 73 years.
Tanvi made my Independence Day memorable this time too by decking her home up with Indian flags drawn and cut by her, making tricolour confetti, and even ensuring her mom dressed up in tricolours. She didn’t forget to wish us all during our video call.
If only grown-ups displayed the same maturity and forgiveness that children display the world would be so much a better place.
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