Friday, September 20, 2024

Justice or Closure?

(Part II of ‘the Rage of Angels)

He comes to his senses, after having been unconscious for over a day.  His state has given enough anxiety to his family.  He faintly hears the doctor saying, "looks like he is regaining consciousness.  Thankfully, the blow to the head was not threatening. He should be out of danger soon.  The orthopedic will now decide when the surgery would be carried out to fix his arm. Just physiotherapy is enough to fix the twisted ankle".  Slowly, the events that had resulted in him lying injured at the bus stop start coming back to him.  First hazy, and then more clearly.  He winces as he remembers the blows that he took as he had tried to save a woman being rammed by a bus.  

A week later - after surgery, recuperation and physiotherapy - he is discharged from the hospital, with advice to rest and recuperate and not work for at least another 3 weeks.  He worries about his job; his sister reassures him, showing the message from his manager, wishing him speedy recovery and the firm's approval of his medical leave. It is a relief. His paltry medical insurance plan has also helped in paying the hospital bills, and hasn't burdened any. 

His sister walks into his tiny room, and says, "The lady you tried to save? She has been visiting us at the hospital, and she wanted to come and see you". Rage runs through his body, even though he knows she didn't ask her husband to beat him.  "I can't handle that", he tells his sister.  "I will get you your medicines", she says and walks away. 

The incident plays on his mind, and the anger returns.  He knows he cannot do anything, and yet it rages on.  The next day, he heads for his physiotherapy session at the hospital with his sister.  He notices someone approaching him, and his sister going tense.  It is the same lady.  She is with a man.  He visibly starts shaking, both in terror and anger.  His mind knows that it is the same man who assaulted him, even though he hadn't seen his face.  The woman's husband.  They approach him; he's dumbfounded.  

"Please forgive us.  No, forgive me.  I was the one who caused it.  I let my anger take over me.  You suffered.  Now, I am suffering too.  Oh God, I am suffering", his voice becomes shaky, and he breaks into loud sobs.  The woman, places a hand on him, shushes, and says, "Sir, please forgive him.  He has been taught a lesson already by the police.  He has been put behind the bars, only released on bail now. Please forgive". His sister takes over. "Why should he forgive? Will you cure his broken bones and make them as before? Will you return his lost days, or bring back his courage?"

"Madam, please understand. What happened was unfortunate. Punish me, however you want.  Hit me.  But, if you don't forgive and take back the complaint, I will lose my job.  My family will suffer.". The nurse calls their names for dressing, followed by physiotherapy.  He breathes easy, and feels relieved to move away from the tension that he hadn't anticipated.

As the physio moves away after therapy, his sister whispers, "I don't trust them.  I don't want you to forgive them.  It won't be justice." She too is trembling in anger. 

He remembers the faces of the husband and wife as they had begged at his feet before entering the therapy room.  He remembers his own predicament just before the accident/assault.  He was threatened by the manager with dire consequences of losing his job if he didn't deliver on the sales results. He remembers the manager's face while delivering the threat - that weird glee. The perverse expression certainly emanating from the knowledge that he knew he had complete control over another person. 

He understands he too has the fate of another human - and his family - in his hands.  He mulls over the outcome he would desire.  He knows he wants justice and closure.  As he makes up his mind, he calmly asks his sister to take him to the police station before they head home.  


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