Angel forever!
The angel was born in a small town. Her dreams were larger though! Larger than the multitudes of hills the town boasted of! And as strong as the boulders the hills had. Perhaps even stronger. She was vivacious, lively, beautiful and intelligent. She also had an extremely sharp sense of right and wrong. Right and wrong according to her own value system (that was a heady mix of both traditional and modern views). She wasn’t the one to take things lying down. She’d fight for her rights and she’d fight against injustice. She was a leader in her own right.
The angel didn’t always get what she felt was hers. And, angels suffer too. Angels have been sent to this world to suffer for the rest of the mankind so that these lesser mortals don’t encounter misery through their lives. Angels however don’t realize that they are angels, special people of God. They think they’re human! And, this angel was no exception. Her hurt would multiply exponentially when she’d see the rest of the crowd of girls and boys (far from being angels) having a relatively perfect, staid, satisfying and (but) uneventful lives.
The sufferings were many. The trials were difficult. There was no one to run to. None many times to wipe those tears. None to stand by her and fight her foes. None to provide the comfort of support.
Angels make mistakes too. And, she too had her fair share of follies. Judgmental errors, misunderstandings and very human temperamental tantrums. But, she never ever subjected another person in her life to the same tribulations that she underwent. She was always correct in her attitude towards others.
But do humans realize the angels around them? Of course not! Did they ever wonder how and why their lives changed so much for the better because of the presence of the angel? Of course not! So there were misunderstandings, misgivings and quarrels. These further increased the angel’s misery. But, did she give up? Did she throw in the towel and decide to become a lesser mortal. Of course not, again. Angels are made of sterner stuff. They have a heart of gold. But the core of that heart and their will is made of diamond! The toughest. Unbreakable!
The angel has come out of every fire she’s entered unscathed. The hurts refuse to stick to her. She has vanquished every ill that has tried to bring her down. She has proved that she’s born to be above the rest of us. She’s shown what a winner is! And, she’ll always be a Winner. Even if the entire universe turns up against her it’d bite the dust. Nothing stands a chance against her. She’s the Chosen One. The one blessed by the galaxy of Gods and Goddesses.
The angel’s an amalgamation of love, fairness, compassion and guts. She is the embodiment of virtues laced with wee bit of vices. Now, with her success has come recognition. She’s the darling of her home. The favourite of her friends. The adviser to every aunt and counselor to every cousin!
She has found her protector, knight too! One to stand by her and be her companion – for life! Just like the angels knights are funny people too. They too have extremely strong sense of right and wrong. And, they firmly believe it’s their right to protect the angels in their own way! So, there would be skirmishes and face-offs between the angel and the knight (both fighting for the right things in their own but different ways)! But, soon the dawn of wisdom would be on the angel and the knight when they’d realize that they’ve to make things together. That they’re inseparable. That they’re made to be for each other. That there can’t be a world without them together.
Today, the Valentine’s Day is her Birthday. Wish you a very happy birthday and many, many happy returns dear angel! May your life be flooded with happiness and joy! May every day bring a smile to your face and may you see many more milestones of success!
I’m proud that you’re my sister! I’m sure that the people who’ve come in touch with you are proud too! Much much love!!