Friday, January 31, 2025



He was travelling alone, on work, leaving behind his wife of just over a year. The first such travel since their wedding. And, to a much-sought destination. She was not very pleased he was going alone, but she wasn’t able to take leaves to accompany him; nor could she work offsite as her office had revoked those privileges with the New Year. 

The network was patchy and they couldn’t connect much over the day, as he slogged away. When at last he was back from work and chilling at the hotel, there was decent WiFi and he could talk to her. 

“Sweetie, the place is an idyll. We must make plans to come here on a holiday and just chill”. 

“Would love to, hon”, she cooed. 

“There are loads of mosquitoes though”.

“How are you dealing with them? You are allergic to their bites”. 

“Yeah, I forgot my repellant sprays too”. 

“Hope you don’t get too many bites. You’ll end up scratching and causing them to fester”. 

“True. I will be careful”. 

“I’m worried about you catching malaria or something”.  

“Don’t worry. I have taken precautions”. 

“How? You just said you didn’t carry repellants!”

“I’m having gin n tonic to keep infections at bay”

“What! You’re drinking alone. Plus saying it will help ward off mosquitoes”

“Sweetie, you forget. Tonic water has quinine. It’s the antidote for malaria!”

“Your sense of humour is asinine”, she retorted.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Let’s Begin At the End

It was a move he was not expecting. When it was proposed he didn’t warm up to it easily. He had to be coaxed and cajoled with a carrot or two, by the CEO himself. A substantial hike, and frequent home trips, on the company account. He gave in, reluctantly, and agreed to the change of role, and place. 

He was forewarned about the difficulties.  That there was enough baggage from the past that needed to be offloaded. That the important clients (read, moneybags) had issued an ultimatum - to either pull up socks and deliver or face an exit from the lucrative contract. It wasn’t an option for his firm to lose on a big client, and all the profits that accrued from the business. As it had been in the past, he was chosen because the bosses thought he knew how to untangle the mess. 

After difficult meetings with the clients, where all their egos had to be suitably massaged, and every praise imaginable had been made about their benevolence, he went about learning what needed to be done. He listed out the software code changes to be made, redrew responsibilities, estimated new expenditure, and conveyed updates to the senior management. 

As he waited for approval of new budgets and replacements, he  remembered the legend of Hercules cleaning the Augean stables. In his case though, it wasn’t the first time; he smiled morosely fearing it might not be the last time either. 


It is two years from then. He has delivered on the objectives, and the firm has recalled him to the HQ. The position he would be occupying suits him too, a surprise as he wasn’t expecting to be offered that role. As he prepares to head back he wonders if he should instead have hung up his boots at the firm, and chosen a new path. 




Saturday, January 11, 2025

Wisdom of the Selfless

 A news article about a teenage girl embracing a life of renunciation (is that an oxymoron?) piques the interest of a journalist who chooses to interview her. It isn’t easy to obtain a time slot as she has already attained the status of a mini celebrity overnight. He pulls some major strings and manages a half hour interview with her. 

He reaches her home at the appointed hour. The girl is seated on a plush sofa with a carefully chosen faux leopard skin on top. She is demurely dressed in appropriate coloured robes for her newly attained sainthood. Her parents stand guarding her, apart from a posse of fawning bhakts. Not to waste precious time, he straightaway begins asking questions. (The entire interview took place in chaste Sanskrit-laced Hindi. For the convenience of the readers, it is translated to English, with due care). 

Journo: Ms S…, what inspired …. 

Sadhvi (cutting him off firmly): You cannot call me by my old name. That girl doesn’t exist anymore. You can call me either Sadhvi Ji or Mata Ji. 

Journo: Okay Ji. What inspired you to renounce the worldly pursuits? I learnt you wanted to become an IAS officer. 

Sadhvi: Yes. My goal in life is to serve people. Hence, I chose this path. 

Journo: You could also serve people as an IAS officer….

Sadhvi: Yes, for that, I had to wait pretty long. I didn’t have the patience. 

Journo: They say patience is a virtue of every sadhu and Sadhvi, right?

Sadhvi  (a moment of silence, and a deep breath later): You do not understand. It would mean I had to complete my studies, write competitive exams, and get selected to become IAS. I didn’t have the patience to wait that long to serve people. I consulted my Guru Ji and parents. 

Journo: So, what are your ambitions as a Sadhvi? What do you plan to do in the days to come?

Sadhvi (carefully readjusting her facial expressions): See, again, you are seeing me as a mere mortal. I have renounced everything. I don’t have ambitions. Whatever I want to do is for the people. I already have begun that. 

Journo: That’s very nice to hear. May I know the initiatives you have made?

Before Sadhvi S could say anything her parents interrupt. They say, “Aren’t you seeing this place? This has been redecorated and spruced up, all thanks to her new status. The MLA Smt SRS was here to seek her blessings. She has made all these changes possible at home. She has said no expense is too much to ensure our daughter’s progress in her spiritual journey! Oh no, not our daughter anymore. She is our Mata ji. Sorry Sadhvi ji”. 

Sadhvi (looks at them and nods her head gently and continues): First is to get my own aashram built. We have already identified the land for this. It will be on the banks of the river. Shilanyas will be made by Mantri ji responsible for this district. Already there is a long waitlist of devotees who want to contribute, and even join my ashram as spiritual volunteers. I have to screen them all personally using my third eye. 


Journo: And, about the people you want to help?

Sadhvi: It appears you are slightly daft. What else was I talking about so far? All the people I want to help have already begun to come here as my devotees. 

Journo: Oh okay! But…

Sadhvi: You still have questions?

Journo: Yes, I wanted to understand what help will you be providing these people umm your devotees?

Sadhvi: I will bless them. With my blessings they will all begin their spiritual journey. 

Journo: I thought you’d help people overcome their poverty and other difficulties. 

Sadhvi: The biggest poverty is being spiritually poor. I am here to lift them out of it. They already are asking me why don’t I become a Minister! I have said no. 

Journo: Yes, as a person who has renounced worldly things, you would not want to be there, I understand. 

Sadhvi: Oh you don’t. I am still underage. I cannot fight elections now to become a minister! I will consider it when I am eligible to contest. 

Journo: How does entering politics align with spirituality?

Sadhvi: Politics has become so dirty, we need to cleanse it of all its corruption, violence, and greed. How else to do it than by entering the fray? It can only be cleansed from within. Just like how you can become a good person from within. Spirituality is not out there somewhere. It’s inside. 

Journo: You earlier said you had no ambitions?

Sadhvi: These are not ambitions. This is the path that God is showing me to follow. Now, it’s my time for prayers and then meeting new devotees. If you will excuse me…

Journo: One last question please?

Sadhvi: Please make it quick. 

Journo: How did you attain such wisdom so young?

Sadhvi (smiling at him as though he is an imbecile): Who said I am young? Follow me with faith and you’ll know.

She gets out of her seat, and an ardent devotee gently bows his head and offers her a shawl to keep her warm as she steps out. The interview is over. The journalist is now on his way to salvation himself. 

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Humble Pie Times


Move over, Narayana Murty! You have got serious competition. 

In a latest development, L&T Chairman Subramanian has called for 90 hour work weeks coz he can’t stand to be in the space with wifey while awake.  While addressing the media at a high-profile event, he said it is the only way one could attain peace, happiness, and Nirvana at the earliest. Also, he expressed his shock that people have more things to do at home than just stare at spouse! 

“Why aren’t they having 600-odd maids and valets to help them?”, he shot back at the hapless reporter who dared to raise his doubts about the need to perform chores at home. “But Sir….”, the reporter continued his bravery. “Don’t butt in anymore”, thundered the great corporate leader to thunderous applause.  

He said he believes in the adage, “Work is Worship” verbatim, and if it were in his power, he would implement a working Sunday everywhere. “Alas! The nation needs to beat China, where people work even in their sleep, while our people sleep at work”, he lamented. 

He has promised to come up with even more innovative ideas for the youth of the country. “A Power Nap is all that is needed to perform. Why waste 7-8 hours sleeping?”, he signed off.  

The business honcho’s words have caused a roaring debate across social media, and opinions are divided. While all leaders across the political and business spectra are lauding his wise advice, those who work wonder about work-life balance if such measures become a reality. “We will burn out in no time”, said an L&T employee who chose to be anonymous. “Families will suffer and what about holidays?”, said a young man who has recently joined TCS. Business leaders laughed the criticism off and said, “Don’t we have families? Aren’t we taking holidays? These youngsters must learn to enjoy life even vicariously”, they opined with finality. 

Monday, January 06, 2025



She tried pressing the ice burst inside her thin cigarette and it wouldn’t burst as it possibly had gone soft. She loved to hear the click sound it made before she lit it. “Shit”, she exclaimed, “Why wouldn’t it burst!!” 

“Had you kept the pack exposed to the elements?”, he asked. 

“No. Looks like the shopkeeper has given some old stock. I hate it when it doesn’t click”. 

“Do you smoke because you want to hear the sound?”

“It makes me go back to some crazy but fond memories of childhood”, she looked at him and winked with a grin. 

“Humour me”. 

“During school holidays, we all cousins would gather at our grandparents’ in the village. Some of the girls - even boys - would have a head full of lice, and our granny and all of us would indulge in cleaning them every other day with a wooden comb, after duly oiling our hair”. 

“Oops! Do you still have them?”

“No, surprisingly I never had them, but several of the cousins used to have loads”. 

“Okay? And, how’s that related to now?”

“Patience! I am coming to that. So, every time we would find a louse, we would carefully place on the left thumbnail and crack it with the right thumbnail pressed over it”. 

“Ewww. Gross!”, he threw a disgusted look at her. 

“But, it used to be so much fun to hear the louse crack and making a clicking noise. Like how this ice burst does”. 

She took another cigarette from the pack, checked if the mint inside was hard enough to crack, and when it burst with a click, she flicked away the old cigarette, lit the new one, and exhaled contentedly. 

He continued to stare at her open-mouthed, not knowing what to say. She was too busy puffing away to notice his expression. 


Wednesday, January 01, 2025


 “Did you know the year 2025 is a mathematical wonder?”, his partner asks, and begins to read from a WhatsApp forward while gently rocking the chair they’re sitting on. 

“I have received it too. I don’t know what difference it will make to common people”, he sneers, as he sets up the breakfast table. He doesn’t want to confess that he too has read it with great glee, as someone very fond of math himself. 

“Even on a special day would you want to bring in your cynicism?” Annoyance drips through every word uttered by the partner, thoroughly irked by his nonchalance. 

He realises the conversation can go down the slippery slope very quickly. He walks towards the partner - now gone stiff on the easy chair - and says, “When you are around me, every day feels special to me”, and plants a gentle kiss on the forehead. 

Not mollified fully but nowhere as bristling as before, the partner says, “Don’t try to play to my ego”. 

“Did you know the year’s digits add up to 9, and that’s your birth and our lucky number? I’m so looking forward to the year ahead. Happy New Year to us!” 

“Why press all the wrong buttons then?”

“So, I can press the right ones after”. 

Peace reigns.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Pushpa the Rule. A Wild Ride.

 Watched Pushpa 2 The Rule yesterday. Surprise surprise! I survived the onslaught of the dumbing, deafening and numbing experience. 

If you thought Pushpa 1 the Rise was bad, this one is like a gazillion times worse. Imagine Pushpa 1 on a potent mix of every drug and steroid possible.  That’s Pushpa 2. Guaranteed to make you hallucinate and give you a hangover without a drink or a drug. 

At least the first part had some semblance of a story and a narrative going. It also was helped by some foot tapping numbers, plus some novelty of a not-so-perfect, grubby lead. None of it exists anymore. This one has no semblance of a story nor logic. It is like a montage of disjointed sequences pieced together, to please the crowd that firmly had left their brains behind somewhere they will never want to discover again.  

There’s nothing that Pushpa cannot do. So, he fights like a daredevil, even becomes a missile while his hands and legs are tied up, makes love to his woman as per her wish, changes CM because she wants a picture framed in the house of Pushpa with the CM! He even dons a saree and becomes Kali, cries like a baby to show that he has a heart that beats for soft, mushy things called emotions and family, and tells the world that he does what his wife wants.   

Every character is reduced to a caricature to glorify the hero, and his heroics. Fahd Fasil makes you squirm with his antics, as he hams it up to the stratosphere, and so do others, dutifully. With the exception of Jagapathi Babu, introduced as the potential villain of the third instalment (yes, it’s there, if you didn’t know already, and it’s called the Rampage, aptly). And, as his wife regularly tells everyone, he is the unanointed god, the supreme being. 

The music is cacophonic; even the item number by Shree Leela is a damp squib - the song this time around addresses the unwanted touch by the male (the one before talked about the male gaze), but the male gaze is firmly on her curves and skin. 

To sum it all up, Pushpa the Rule takes all those memes about Rajinikanth seriously and brings them to life.